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[html,css,javascript] ESC버튼, 이미지 화면 밖 클릭으로 화면 닫기

by 0ver-grow 2021. 3. 6.

ESC modal Close : stackoverflow.com/questions/27758991/css-html-modal-using-the-escape-key-click-outside-to-close


CSS/HTML Modal- Using the Escape key/Click outside to close

I have the following modal working, http://jsfiddle.net/kumarmuthaliar/GG9Sa/1/ on my site. It's exactly what I want in terms of ease of use, and function. The only issue I have is how to make the


ESC Window Close : 



how to close an image on escape key press?

I am using a image blow up simply with an overlay image and the main image. the blow up gets open when we click the small image and then if we click the opnend up blowed up image then it gets close...


